What’s your women’s health ‘thing?’

Being totally lost, blindsided and overwhelmed on my fertility journey.

How has your women’s health ‘thing’ affected you throughout your life?

A lot of the underlying issues for my fertility issues were actually chronic conditions (e.g., PCOS) that had gone undiagnosed, so they were plaguing my overall health. Additionally, the challenges and setbacks I experienced on our fertility journey also complicated my pregnancy and postpartum experience. And now, here I am, wanting to make it better for others.

What advice would you give to someone dealing with your same women’s health ‘thing?’

It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. You didn't miss something. You didn't forget to do anything. The system just isn't set up to guide you in the way you need and deserve.

Tell us how your women’s health ‘thing’ shaped your business, the business you’ve helped start, or your career trajectory.

Every day I wake up and look at my daughter and how lucky I feel that we have her, but I also feel and remember the pain, the struggle and the fear we experienced when we realized we may not have her. It fires me up every day. I come to work every day, ready to go to make sure that others don't feel this way too. The company I built is my second baby, and I am here to fight for her every day.

How has your women’s health ‘thing’ shaped your life?

It was a reminder to me to question the system, not just accept it. So much of healthcare was not built with women in mind, and now that I know this and have seen it first hand, I feel compelled to question and stay curious every time I hit a similar health roadblock. Maybe there is a piece missing her? Maybe there is something that wasn't built for me? And now of course, I have the belief that I can change the system too. We all can.