5 Benefits of Known Egg Donation

Your doctor says you will need donor eggs to conceive. We get it — it’s hardly the answer you wanted to hear during your already arduous...

July 18, 2024

What's New in Third Party

More and more, donor eggs are becoming a normalized part of the fertility conversation. Several celebrities have revealed they needed donor eggs to...

Sarene Leeds • Jun 11, 2024

What's New in Third Party

You’ve decided you want to grow your family, and that using a sperm donor is on the path to getting there. Like with...

The Rescripted Team • May 20, 2024

Adopting a baby in the United States can be expensive. Typically, it can cost anywhere between $15,000 and $70,000, depending on what type...

Amanda Koval • Apr 16, 2024

Same-sex couples, individuals pursuing parenthood on their own, or couples facing severe male-factor infertility, may consider using donor sperm as an option for...

Sarah duRivage-Jacobs • Apr 16, 2024

I’ve spent the past decade covering reproductive health, and here’s what I’ve noticed during that time: Celebrities have been a real force in...

Zara Hanawalt • Apr 2, 2024

If you’re considering adopting a child and feeling overwhelmed about deciding which type of adoption is right for you, I get it; I’ve...

Amanda Koval • Mar 31, 2024

Hoisting carry-ons into overhead bins, I peered between my up-stretched arms. My two young sons played in their seats. Here was the picture...

Elana Frank (with Ivy Raff) • Jan 23, 2024
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What's Trending

If you asked a group of people affected by infertility to describe what it feels like, I imagine the word “isolating” would come...

Zara Hanawalt • Dec 26, 2023

My journey to motherhood began in 2016 when I became pregnant with my son, Luke. I was fortunate to conceive easily and have...

Jessie Jaskulsky • Dec 19, 2023

For the 10 to 20% of pregnancies that end in miscarriage, the loss is compounded when there are more people involved in the...

Mara Santilli • Nov 15, 2023
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In the podcast Sorry For Apologizing, Missy Modell — activist, strategist, and recovering chronic apologizer — along with various experts, explores all of the ways women have been conditioned by society to play small. From being expected to have children, tolerate chronic pain, or just generally accepting gender inequities, join us as we discuss all of the reasons why women should be speaking up more and apologizing for less.
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In The Fertility Sisterhood, Dr. Carmen Messerlian — Harvard Epidemiologist and Fertility Expert — and her sister, Lara discuss what everyone needs to know about how the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and our everyday environmental exposures, impact our health and, therefore, our fertility. Listen as they share practical tips for how you can clean up your lifestyle, not only for yourself but for future generations.