When Tim McGraw and Faith Hill’s daughter, Gracie McGraw posted a recent photo of herself in a bikini, a fellow social media user took it as an opportunity to make an assumption about McGraw — but McGraw chose to do something unexpected. She came clean about a vulnerable, personal bit of health information. McGraw captioned her photo “It’s a gorgeous day for narcissism!”, and a user chose to comment “and Ozempic!” Let’s get clear about one thing: Speculating about someone’s body in this way is not okay. But McGraw took the moment and turned it into...

Zara Hanawalt • Jul 1, 2023

If you've been diagnosed with PCOS, trying to figure out how to manage it can feel like pure chaos, especially if you’re trying to improve your fertility outcomes. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Around 10% of reproductive-age women suffer from PCOS.  Unmanaged PCOS can put you at risk of developing other health complications down the line such as type 2 diabetes, according to the CDC, which is why it's important to figure out a care plan that’s custom to you and targets the root cause of your symptoms.  What are the symptoms of PCOS? PCOS is a...

Caroline McMorrow • Jun 30, 2023

Boric acid: It certainly doesn’t sound like something you would want to put in your body, much less use it as a medical treatment for a yeast infection or BV. Shockingly, however, boric acid has been used in vaginal health care for more than a hundred years due to its mild antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties.  So, what is boric acid, exactly? And how can it be used to treat common vaginal infections? Let’s dive in to learn more about this over-the-counter solution!  What is boric acid? Boric acid is a white powder derived from the...

Brighid Flynn • Jun 29, 2023

When it comes to fertility, we know that optimal nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting reproductive health for both women and men. In an ideal world, we would be able to get all of the nutrients we need from our food; however, due to changes in farming practices, food processing, and more, this is not always the case. Supplements can help fill in some of these gaps to make sure we’re getting the proper nutrients to support our fertility. But what supplements should you be taking when trying to conceive? While a high-quality prenatal vitamin...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Jun 26, 2023

In many ways, endometriosis is one of the most mysterious conditions in the world of women’s health. Between its notorious underdiagnosis (not-so-fun fact: Endometriosis is referred to as “the missed disease” due to the challenges of diagnosing the condition) and our lack of societal conversation around endometriosis, there’s not enough understanding of the condition. Few people realize what endometriosis is, the warning signs of the condition, and how exactly endometriosis affects the approximately 1 in 10 women who suffer from it. For example, while people generally have some awareness of the fact that endometriosis can complicate...

Zara Hanawalt • Jun 25, 2023

The menstrual phase tries to keep all the shine for being the most uncomfortable and ever-present stage in the menstrual cycle, but the truth is that for some, the ovulatory phase comes in as a close second.  Each stage of the menstrual cycle — luteal, follicular, menstrual, and ovulatory — brings its own unique hormonal changes and physical symptoms. For instance, the menstrual phase is the most well-known for cramping, bloating, and PMS, which can be triggered specifically by ‘that time of the month.’ The follicular and luteal phases bookend both the menstrual and ovulatory phases. And ovulation...

Vivian Nunez • Jun 25, 2023

Hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is an exciting milestone — and not just because it’s proof of a future life, but because your miscarriage risk actually declines. According to a study published in JAMA, after an ultrasound confirms a baby's heartbeat at 8 weeks, the risk of miscarriage is ~3%.  All in all, most healthcare providers will say the first 13 weeks of pregnancy are the most critical (1st trimester) since rapid growth and development take place during this time. The embryo-turned-fetus develops distinct facial features, limbs, organs, bones, and muscles, and has...

Caroline McMorrow • Jun 23, 2023

While prenatal vitamins don’t directly increase your chances of conception, they do play a hugely important role in helping your body become a healthy, well-nourished home to support a potential pregnancy — which is why they’re highly recommended for any time you’re trying to have a baby.  But with never-ending options on the market, it can feel nearly impossible to decide on a prenatal supplement to support you when you’re TTC (as if that time weren’t stressful enough!)  We've got your back, though. Below, we give you the lowdown on everything you need to look for...

Caroline McMorrow • Jun 22, 2023

If you’re only just starting to consider in-vitro fertilization (IVF) as an option, the very concept can be intimidating. The term “IVF” is thrown around so often in fertility circles that some people automatically assume it’s a necessary step for getting pregnant with infertility. Sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn’t.  “Don't assume just because you're struggling to get pregnant that you need IVF,” says Deanna Brasile, DO, a fertility specialist at Main Line Fertility. “The majority of patients can get pregnant through means that are less aggressive and less expensive than IVF.”   There are, however,...

Sarene Leeds • Jun 22, 2023

As expected, our moms were on point. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  But lately, the message has gotten a bit lost in translation as we’ve been hit with more content online and on social media advising us to do intermittent fasting, eat our first meal of the day at noon, do a fasted workout, or drink coffee on an empty stomach for accelerated fat burn.  For women in particular, it turns out our body isn’t too fond of all that manipulation because of our hormonal complex. Women aren’t small men. We have...

Caroline McMorrow • Jun 22, 2023