Many of us grew up with the ethos that exercise was always a good thing no matter how much of it we did. In fact, we were taught that most people don’t get enough physical activity, both directly and indirectly.  According to the CDC, only 28% of adult Americans meet their weekly exercise needs (150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of strength training) and 25% of adult Americans don’t exercise at all — so it makes sense as to where that message comes from. But too much of a good thing can be...

Caroline McMorrow • Jul 14, 2023

Sex is messy enough. There’s no need to add worry on top of that with lube that’s loaded up with harsh chemicals — especially when you're trying to conceive. Fortunately, though, there are a lot of awesome new non-toxic lube options on the market that help you turn up the heat without getting burned by irritants or hormone disruptors.  9 Ingredients To Avoid in Conventional Lube Parabens  Parabens are preservatives that are often used in personal care products, including lubricants. They’re added to prevent the growth of bacteria to extend the shelf life but can cause potential...

Caroline McMorrow • Jul 13, 2023

Egg freezing can take a significant emotional, mental, and financial toll — one of the reasons being that it’s not typically covered by insurance. This is because egg freezing is generally not considered a "medical necessity," even though we know that female fertility declines with age. For women looking to preserve their fertility, insurance coverage varies from plan to plan. Similar to IVF, the only benefits offered for egg freezing are available through employer-sponsored healthcare plans, which is entirely up to the employer to decide.  Interestingly enough, according to NPR, technology companies are more likely to cover...

Caroline McMorrow • Jul 11, 2023

According to the American Pregnancy Association, miscarriage is defined as a pregnancy that ends on its own within the first 20 weeks of gestation, with the risk for healthy women ranging from 10-25%. Although miscarriage is, by data standards, a common occurrence, it is no less devastating for those involved.  Naturally, friends and loved ones will want to offer support to those who have experienced a miscarriage. Oftentimes, however, their well-meaning actions can end up causing more distress than comfort. Although every person’s needs differ, it’s important to remember that miscarriage brings forth multiple types of...

Sarene Leeds • Jul 9, 2023

I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder when I was just fourteen years old. My symptoms came to a head when my conditions began impeding on my attendance at school. Nearly every morning, I found myself practically crippled by panic attacks that left me tired and weak for the remainder of the day.  Together, my primary care physician and psychologist decided medication might be the next best route for me. I began taking Lexapro, also known as its generic name Escitalopram, and I finally found relief from my regular panic attacks and...

Brighid Flynn • Jul 9, 2023

Can masturbation cause infertility? In short, the answer is no. So you can breathe a sigh of relief.  Masturbation is completely normal and healthy. Incorporating pleasure into your daily and weekly routines is equally as important as other areas of wellness such as working out, eating a nutrient-rich diet, and getting high-quality sleep.  There have been layers of shame placed on top of female masturbation over the years, which has conditioned women to think it’s “bad,” when in reality, sexual health is a major component of your overall health and vitality.  How masturbation affects your body ...

Caroline McMorrow • Jul 6, 2023

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably been seeing ads for period underwear everywhere lately, as have we.  With more awareness being brought to sustainability, the Pink Tax, and various toxins found in conventional menstrual products, it makes sense as to why this trend has taken off.  The Impact of Menstrual Products Financial Impact According to the National Organization for Women, the average woman spends over $20 on menstrual products per cycle, adding up to about $18,000 over her lifetime.  Environmental Impact In the United States alone, approximately 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons...

Caroline McMorrow • Jul 5, 2023

Can you get a Pap smear while on your period? We’ll cut to the chase with this one. The short answer is: Yes, you can. While it may seem obvious that getting a pap smear while menstruating can make the entire process a little bit messier than it otherwise would be, it's definitely doable. You might just need to jump through a few more hoops first.  What is a pap smear? A Pap smear is a medical procedure used to screen for cervical cancer, and it is an essential part of women's preventative healthcare starting around the...

Brighid Flynn • Jul 5, 2023

We’ve all seen what early pregnancy looks like on TV and in the movies: A woman is going about her day as usual when nausea hits her out of nowhere. She stops to vomit dramatically before a look of realization passes over her face…and then she takes a pregnancy test, which immediately reflects two bold, unmistakable pink lines. In real life? Well, it doesn’t necessarily work like that.  When I was trying to conceive, I joined a Facebook group full of other people who were attempting to build their families. Nearly every day, there was a...

Zara Hanawalt • Jul 3, 2023

In the past few years, we’ve finally started to speak openly about pregnancy loss. Now, people are starting to grasp the fact that miscarriages are common and that no one is to blame for their pregnancy loss — two truths that are finally starting to seep into public consciousness.  But there’s still so much the general public just doesn’t get when it comes to miscarriage. From the physical realities of how they happen, to the way they affect their sufferers both physically and emotionally. It’s not just that miscarriages can be devastating. It’s also that they...

Zara Hanawalt • Jul 2, 2023