When it comes to fertility, many factors come into play. Did you know that your gut health could be one of them? The gut microbiome, a collection of microorganisms in your digestive tract, has been found to have a significant impact on fertility. Understanding how it affects reproductive health is crucial for anyone trying to conceive. Let’s break down the gut microbiome and why it’s such a big deal when it comes to getting pregnant. Plus, we’ll share tips on getting your gut into tip-top shape for a growing baby to thrive. What is the gut...

Blair Sharp • Nov 14, 2023

The trying-to-conceive journey often feels like a continual game of hurry-up-and-wait. You start preparing your body for a possible pregnancy, figure out the timing, and get to business. But after the deed’s done, you may find yourself asking, “What now? Is anything going on in there?” Nobody can answer that question for you — and all you can do is let science do its thing while you move through the two-week wait (TWW).  It’s hard not to obsess during the TWW. To keep your mind busy, we’re taking you on a science lesson that’ll help you...

Alexa Davidson, RN • Nov 13, 2023

Just months after welcoming her son, Tristan, Heather Rae El Moussa began experiencing crippling fatigue. It may be easy to write off that symptom as a part of the postpartum experience, but it went beyond that: The new mom also experienced a significant drop in her milk supply. “I remember saying to my assistant, ‘I feel like I’m dead,'" El Moussa told Today.com. “My brain was so tired. My body was so tired. I was exhausted all the time, and no amount of sleep could make it better.” Initially, she thought “mom brain” was to blame...

Zara Hanawalt • Nov 10, 2023

If you're dealing with unpleasant symptoms like fatigue, weight changes, irregular menstrual cycles, and more, a thyroid condition could be to blame. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves' disease, both autoimmune thyroid conditions, can have a profound impact on your health and quality of life – including your reproductive health – but “they couldn’t be more different,” explains Caroline Thomason, RD CDCES, dietitian and diabetes educator in Washington, D.C.    So, what are the differences between Hashimoto's and Graves' disease? To understand this, we must first dive into autoimmune conditions as a whole.  What is an autoimmune disease,...

Lauren Manaker, RD • Nov 9, 2023

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune disease closely associated with the skin condition psoriasis. It causes the immune system to attack the joints and skin, causing pain, and irritation, among other limitations. If you suspect you may be suffering from PsA, it's important to diagnose and treat it as early as possible to avoid permanent joint damage and maximize your quality of life with this chronic disease.  So, how can you tell if you’re in the early stages of psoriatic arthritis? In this article, we'll explore what psoriatic arthritis is, who it affects, and how to know...

Alexa Davidson, RN • Nov 9, 2023

Here’s the reality of women’s health: We’re not given enough information about our bodies, and that can affect us in major ways.  Take periods, for example. For so long, we’ve been told that discussing our cycles is “TMI”, “gross”, or “too personal”. We internalize those messages, and as a result, we don’t talk about our menstrual health — not in social instances, and often not when it comes time to advocate for ourselves in medical settings either.  It’s a vicious cycle: When we don’t speak up about our menstrual health, we don’t get a sense of...

Zara Hanawalt • Nov 8, 2023

Maybe you’ve seen TikToks (and billboards!) about how all hot girls have IBS, or maybe your nieces and nephews have hit the age where all bathroom jokes are hilarious. Either way, it seems like everyone is talking about poop.  So much of women’s health is shrouded in shame and secrecy, and poop is no exception. However, poop and digestion are things you should take seriously because they can tell you a lot about your overall health and wellbeing. Let’s dive in and explore why:  Stool consistency: What can it tell you about your health? While poop...

Erin Pettis • Nov 7, 2023

Traditionally, pregnancy can occur when the male ejaculates semen – fluid from the seminal vesicles and prostate gland combined with sperm from the testicles – into the female’s vagina during sexual intercourse. Pregnancy is more likely during ovulation, the phase of the menstrual cycle when women are most fertile. During ovulation, the ovary releases an egg, which then travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. In most cases, the fertility window for females is the five days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after ovulation. And it’s during this time...

Sarene Leeds • Nov 7, 2023
General Infertility

4 Reasons To Consider IVF Abroad

It’s no secret that medical costs in the United States are nothing close to ideal. In fact, just the cost of fertility treatments can be enough to deter prospective parents from pursuing their family-planning dreams.  While more affordable pricing is probably enough for anyone to consider traveling for fertility treatments, you might find that choosing a clinic outside of the U.S. is the right choice for you regardless of the price point.  One such treatment center, Fertilidad Integral, for example, has so much to offer its patients. From their integrated wellness offerings to their expert clinical...

Brighid Flynn • Nov 6, 2023

If you menstruate, there will inevitably come a time in your life when you say goodbye and good riddance to periods for good. This is called menopause — the season of life in which a person permanently stops having periods and can no longer get pregnant. Medically, menopause is defined as having no menstrual bleeding, including spotting, for 12 consecutive months. In the United States, the average age to reach menopause is 51. This age varies widely, though, generally occurring in a woman's 40s or 50s.  So, what exactly happens during menopause? First, if you’re not there...

Lindsey Williams • Nov 3, 2023