What’s your women’s health ‘thing?’

Our women's health thing is that fertility is not just a womens health issue so we created an entire company to change the narrative In early 2020, we experienced pregnancy loss just a week apart. Determined not to accept the notion that "miscarriages are common and just happen," we embarked on a journey of research. To our surprise, we came across numerous studies emphasizing the crucial role of sperm health in the journey to parenthood. It became apparent that we had unknowingly overlooked the well-being of our husbands in this entire process of having a baby. Recognizing the immense potential for improving sperm health, we initially set out to develop the best male prenatal supplement on the market. We put our partners on the nutrients that ended up in WeNatal for Him and we both had healthy baby girls. It was incredibly powerful to take part in the journey with our partners and doing everything we can together. We were determined to change the narrative from "me" to "we." This realization prompted us to create WeNatal - the next generation of prenatal supplements designed for both women and men. Our aim is to empower couples with comprehensive support and reliable solutions, revolutionizing the prenatal experience.

How has your women’s health ‘thing’ affected you throughout your life?

Our miscarriages were devastating experiences, but they ignited a fire within us to become advocates for our health and the health of our partners. We were shocked by the lack of answers and guidance from medical professionals, who dismissed our losses as “common” or blamed our ages. They failed to look at the whole picture. This opened our eyes to the incredible issues around the fertility conversation which places the burden solely on women's health and egg quality, while overlooking half of the equation - men's sperm and their overall reproductive health. As two healthy women who were struggling, we realized this approach was missing critical components and it was time for change. Our miscarriages catalyzed us to take control. We dedicated ourselves to researching all possible factors like ovulation, egg health, sperm health, and uncovering connections doctors never explained. Through this process of advocacy, we became truly empowered and informed about our fertility in a way we never imagined before our shared tragedy. Having a miscarriage was painful, but it motivated us to fight for better reproductive education and health for everyone trying to start a family.

What advice would you give to someone dealing with your same women’s health ‘thing?’

We don't want anyone to take on the burden of fertility on their own. WeNatal was created to be the education and community that we wish we had. While prenatal supplements alone can't solve everything, we strongly believe that there is SO much people can do to proactively improve their fertility and enhance chances of a healthy pregnancy. Our key advice for people trying to conceive is to shift their mindset around fertility and preconception from an individualistic "me" focus to an inclusive "we" approach. For too long, mainstream conversations and conventional wisdom around fertility have excluded and overlooked the critical role men play. Despite men contributing to approximately 50% of infertility cases and having a significant influence on pregnancy and the baby's health, their preconception preparation is rarely discussed or emphasized. We encourage couples to make their fertility journey a true partnership from the very start. Both partners should be educated on how their individual health behaviors and lifestyle choices can optimize their reproductive health in the preconception period before trying to conceive. From nutrition, to exercise, to avoiding toxin exposures - there are research-backed steps both prospective mothers and prospective fathers can take to pave the way for a healthy pregnancy.

Tell us how your women’s health ‘thing’ shaped your business, the business you’ve helped start, or your career trajectory.

Since the inception of WeNatal, we have been overwhelmed by the positive impact our work has had on a global scale. One of the most significant shifts we've witnessed is the emergence of meaningful discussions around male fertility in mainstream media. The growing recognition of the critical role men play in the fertility journey, coupled with the importance of preconception care for both partners, has been a remarkable development. This shift has exceeded our wildest expectations and is reshaping societal perceptions around fertility. However, what truly touches our hearts are the stories that come directly from our customers, like the one we recently received: 'After years of trying to conceive, two rounds of IVF, and a heartbreaking miscarriage, I managed to convince my husband to take his role in our journey to parenthood seriously. Three months after he started regularly taking WeNatal, I discovered I was pregnant naturally! I am incredibly grateful for this brand and the invaluable tips you share. I genuinely believe we couldn't have achieved this without you.' These heartfelt testimonials underscore the real and tangible difference we are making in the fertility space. Knowing that our products and mission have directly contributed to the joy of parenthood for countless couples is beyond gratifying. Our work at WeNatal has exceeded our wildest expectations by not only elevating the discourse around fertility but also by empowering couples to take proactive steps towards their dreams of parenthood. Witnessing the transformative power of our mission has had a profound impact on our own perspective and journey. It reinforces our belief that change is possible when we challenge existing norms and work collectively to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all aspiring parents. In sharing our journey and the diverse ways in which WeNatal is making a positive impact, we hope to inspire others to pursue their unique paths towards creating positive change. Whether it's making a global impact or sparking change within your local community, each step taken towards a better future for all aspiring parents is a step in the right direction.

How has your women’s health ‘thing’ shaped your life?

There is a saying that goes like this: "If you want something to get done, ask a busy mom." Through our journey of becoming moms and first-time entrepreneurs, we've learned just how true this really is. We launched WeNatal because of the hardship we endured in our fertility journeys and our desire to make it better for those who come after us. We also launched WeNatal in the thick of motherhood, each of us had a newborn and toddler at home. However, having small children didn't hold us back, instead it fueled our growth and success. We are the most productive we have ever been! There is not one minute of our day that is wasted or where we don't find ourselves multitasking. While we have not watched TV in 3 years, we know that this is a phase, and we are using our time in a very strategic way. Our mission and our community is what fuels us, daily.