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(In)Fertility Cards of Affirmation
needed Sleep + Relaxation Support for TTC
2022 lessons. ✨ #shorts #fertilityrescripted
Our favorite TTC and pregnancy safe household cleaning products!
Sounds about right. 🫠 #shorts
I’m sorry, WUT? 🫠 #shorts
✨So LuCkYYY✨ #shorts
What to say instead: “That must be really hard. How can I support you?” ♥️ #shorts
Bring the action. 🫠 #shorts
Sending love to all of the fertility warriors this holiday season. ♥️
5 Tips for Choosing a Fertility Clinic ✨ #shorts
@FairhavenHealth #shorts @MarcSklarTheFertilityExpert
Please don’t. 💀 #shorts
If you haven’t pulled a used pregnancy test out of the garbage, are you even TTC? 🤔 #shorts
Definitely both. 😝 #shorts
Maybe I should test, just to be sure. 😂 #shorts
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