Everyone’s fertility journey is unique and different. But if you’re going through in-vitro fertilization (IVF), there’s probably one thing that you have in common with everyone else: how much you hate those meds. IVF often entails taking lots of hormonal medications, via pill and through injection. When preparing for embryo transfer (the final step in the IVF process), the medications help your uterus prepare properly for pregnancy and ensure that an embryo has the best chance of implanting. But even the purest, clearest desire for a baby doesn’t quite take the edge off of stabbing yourself...

Jessie Van Amburg • Oct 23, 2023

One of the many revelations from Rescripted’s 2023 State of Sex Ed Report is how under-educated women are about their menstrual cycle. This particular finding was further confirmed by Perelel, the first and only women-owned and OB/GYN-founded vitamin company designed for different stages in women’s reproductive life cycles.  In a study conducted by Perelel, respondents established a very clear knowledge gap among women when it comes to their menstrual cycle. Many remain unaware that there are multiple phases, or that there are numerous ways to support themselves during their cycle.  Some of the more staggering results...

Sarene Leeds • Oct 20, 2023

The path to parenthood can be filled with complexities, uncertainties, and challenges. No matter where you are on your journey you deserve to feel supported, empowered, and educated during the process. In seeking additional guidance, two roles that frequently come up are fertility coaches and fertility consultants. While their names may sound similar, these professionals have different levels of experience and offer different types of support.  In this article, we'll break down the key differences between a fertility coach and a fertility consultant to help you make an informed decision about the right support for your...

Jessica Boone, MPA, PA-C • Oct 18, 2023

Maybe you had an incredibly special relationship with your mom and want to recreate that bond with a daughter on your own. Maybe you’ve always envisioned having a baby boy and can’t shake that image. Or maybe you already have multiple children of one sex and long to experience parenting the other. Of course, sex and gender aren’t the same, and you can’t truly know your child’s gender identity before or even shortly after birth. But when expectant parents envision their families, it can be really hard to accept that the image in your head won’t...

Zara Hanawalt • Oct 18, 2023
Menstrual Health

Can Men Menstruate?

Throughout history, getting your period has almost always been synonymous with the female experience. Schools would often split health classes up by gender, with the girls watching awkward videos about menstruation and receiving even more awkward lessons about how to use tampons and maxi pads.  While cisgender men and transgender women cannot menstruate – menstruation is impossible for those born without a uterus and vagina – limiting periods to a female-only experience is an outdated practice. Menstruation is not and should not be related to one’s gender identity, especially now that gender-affirming care is under attack...

Sarene Leeds • Oct 17, 2023

From age 11 to 22, I played competitive sports after recovering from a rare autoimmune condition called Dermatomyositis. Distance running, swimming, basketball, softball, rowing, volleyball, and more — I couldn’t seem to get enough. I was so ingrained in sports following my illness, that I didn’t realize how much of a toll being an athlete was taking on my body, specifically my iron levels.  It wasn’t until high school when I started experiencing strange symptoms like fatigue, headaches, thinning hair and nails, and shaky legs that I finally began to take note.   When I initially described these symptoms to...

Caroline McMorrow • Oct 16, 2023

Experiencing a miscarriage can be a highly traumatic event that stirs up strong emotions, and it's only natural to wonder how it might affect the intimate moments with your partner. But remember that you're not alone in this; many couples encounter similar challenges. When it comes to the question of when it's okay to have sex again after a miscarriage, there are some important considerations we'll help you navigate. Although the actual time frame you should wait varies by person, the general recommendation is to wait two weeks to have sex after a miscarriage, according to...

Blair Sharp • Oct 16, 2023

We’ve heard a lot about Ozempic recently. But while most conversations about the drug surround its popularity among celebrities as a weight loss secret, the reality is, Ozempic and Wegovy are prescribed to treat diabetes — they were not created to be the vanity potion they’re being viewed as thanks to the celebrity hype. Because of the way we’ve begun to think about Ozempic and its affiliated drugs on a cultural level, it seems as though people have stopped viewing it as a medication, thereby failing to consider the risks that come with it. That can be...

Zara Hanawalt • Oct 13, 2023

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while, or if you’re a single parent or same-sex couple who wishes to conceive, you may be starting to think about alternative options to help you grow your family. While IUI and IVF are both very promising avenues, fertility treatments can be time-consuming and expensive. Before going down that path, you may want to try a more affordable, less-invasive option at home, such as intravaginal insemination (IVI).  What is intravaginal insemination, exactly?  Intravaginal Insemination (IVI) is the process of transferring semen or ejaculate directly into the female...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Oct 12, 2023

The physical and emotional toll on someone experiencing pregnancy loss should never be underestimated because miscarriage can be one of the most traumatic moments in a person’s life. In some cases, a person can even have a miscarriage without knowing it, or before they know they’re pregnant. While this occurrence is colloquially known as a “missed” miscarriage, those in the medical field prefer to use terms like asymptomatic early pregnancy loss, blighted ovum, or anembryonic pregnancy instead.  “An anembryonic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg successfully attaches itself to the uterus, yet the subsequent embryo fails...

Sarene Leeds • Oct 11, 2023