I’ve had pelvic pain since before hitting puberty. I was one of the girls that got their period early in life, I had just turned 12 and started the 6th grade. At my school, 6th grade was still elementary. I had a male teacher and I remember being so embarrassed and ashamed, but I was having severe pain and very irregular periods. I was constantly bleeding through my clothes and had to have extras or be brought extras. I would have to leave class and sit in the hallway because my pain was so severe...

Tayler Goectau (She/Her) • Mar 4, 2024 • Oregon

My name is Jessica Glenny, I’m 28 years old and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis, Adenomyosis and Thoracic Endometriosis a year and a half ago. I got my period when I was 12 years old and started having cramps right away. I have a very long history of hospital visits, internal ultra sounds, gynaecology appointments, OBYN appointments and begging my GP for help. Every single time, I was told “it’s just a period, don’t you think you’re being over dramatic?”. After hearing this for over ten years, I started to believe it myself and...

Jessica Glenny (She/Her) • Mar 4, 2024 • Canada

My symptoms started around 12 years old and it was August 2022 when I was 24 when I received a laparoscopic procedure that diagnosed me with stage 4 endo on many of my organs. I deal with 10/10 pain most months and it affects my life in so many ways but one of the most painful & frustrating parts of this diagnosis has been the doctors / medical professionals I trusted to help guide me that fully gaslit & belittled me. So many family / friends / loved ones don’t understand and carry conversations about this...

Ana (She/Her/Hers) • Mar 4, 2024 • Los Angeles, CA

Hello, my name is Emmy and I’m 20 years old. I live in the north of Sweden with my mom, dad and goats.  When I was 11 years old I got my first period and the pain hit me at the same time. At the age of 13 the pain was so severe during my periods that I got on the pill. Even though I was on the pill, I got painful bleeding. That’s when the doctors thought of endometriosis. I had almost every symptom and thought I was going crazy. My doctors recommended me not...

Emmy Lövgren • Mar 4, 2024 • Sweden

My name is Kait and I’m 25 from Michigan, I’ve been dealing with endometriosis for at least 10-15 years and only in the past few do I feel like I might be getting the hang of this thing! My story is similar to many others where we have gone to specialist after specialist with an assortment of symptoms and they usually run bloodwork and a scan or two and give you the “you’re young and healthy” speech and send you on your way with no resolution to the immense pain you feel everyday. I had...

Kait Batz (She/Her) • Mar 4, 2024 • Detroit, Michigan

It took me 11 years to get diagnosed with endometriosis. My symptoms started when I was 17. I still remember those first couple of months. I had horrible pelvic and vaginal pain. I used to cry so much while my mother just held me. My parents couldn’t understand what was happening to me. They took me to a doctor and I was diagnosed with a UTI but it didn’t make sense to me. That year I was in form 4 living in Botswana. I was a in a public high school and they didn’t like the...

Cynthia T. Roberts (She/Her) • Mar 4, 2024 • Kenya

Hi. My name is Debbie. I got diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis in 2022. I first had symptoms of endo when I was 13.  In 2018 I got really sick and ended up in hospital for a week with a horrible infection that was thought to be appendicitis but it wasn’t. They did multiple tests to see if they could find anything that would indicate what was wrong but nothing came back except for a cyst on my right ovary to which a gynaecologist said was nothing. I continued on that year having horrible periods and...

Debbie • Mar 4, 2024 • UK

My name is Loren. I'm almost 30 and live in Northern Ireland. I've had endometriosis symptoms from as soon as my periods started. I had painful, heavy, lengthy periods with painful bowel movements. I remember googling my symptoms at 17, and was almost certain that's what was wrong. I attended GP appointments countless times and always had my symptoms dismissed and left with oral hormonal contraceptives, which never alleviated my symptoms. Over the years my symptoms got worse. I eventually paid privately and got my long awaited endometriosis diagnosis.  I had a laparoscopy in March...

Loren Rice (She/Her) • Mar 4, 2024 • Northern Ireland

I got diagnosed with endometriosis in November of 2023, at the age of 25, after a year of doctors not believing me. I understand that I was lucky to only experience a year of medical gaslighting, compared to other individuals, but it was still the hardest year of my life. I first got my period when I was 12. They were always super heavy and unpredictable. I experienced uncomfortable bloating, unbearable pain, and lasted for almost 2 weeks. Nothing could help me. At 14, I begged my mom to let me go on birth control and...

Courtney Witham • Mar 4, 2024 • Boston, MA

I’ve struggled with period pain since I was 16. Frequently I would need to skip a couple of days from school, then work. Working with the pain became more troublesome. I found it awkward having to share with my bosses why I needed so many sick days. Many of them I don’t think believed me. This made me very selective with jobs. I would seek out ones that allowed me to work from home sometimes. My profession is in the film industry, so that made it difficult. There were many days I’d have to put in...

Kaleigh (She/Her) • Mar 4, 2024 • Toronto, Canada