When someone talks about “high-functioning depression,” they are probably referring to a condition called Dysthymia. The mental health condition is known for having more mild symptoms of depression that you have been managing for a very long time. 

According to Mount Sinai, some of the condition's most common symptoms include fatigue, low self-esteem, and poor concentration. Whereas seasonal affective disorder (seasonal depression) pops up during the winter for many people, high-functioning depression is the opposite. Its symptoms are year-round and often present for long stretches of time. 

What makes one kind of depression more “high functioning” than another is usually tied to how likely a person is to live through their daily activities with some sense of normalcy, even if, underneath, they are struggling. 

woman with high-functioning depression rubbing her eyes at work

What does high-functioning depression look like? 

Whether you call the condition high-functioning depression, dysthymia, or persistent depressive disorder,  its impact on your life is probably undeniable. It may tinge your daily habits with more sluggishness and sadness than you would hope. While you can still get through your day, you may often wish it didn’t involve so much energy on your part. 

An essay on the National Alliance of Mental Illness website helps illustrate just what a person’s experience with the condition looks and feels like. In the first-hand account, the author is having a big day in their career, where during the day, they were all smiles and joy, and later that evening, they were on the floor consumed by ruminating thoughts. 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 2.5% of adults will experience dysthymia in their lifetime. 

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High-functioning depression treatment

Since there is not a single cause or trigger for high-functioning depression, zeroing in on what works best for you will come down to trying different things and seeing what works. 

Often, because high-functioning depression has milder symptoms, many people will opt out of asking for help from loved ones or seeking care from professionals. There is also a likelihood that you may feel it less noteworthy to mention because you have felt this way for as long as you can remember. But just because your symptoms are mild doesn’t mean you don’t deserve help. 

You can turn to your healthcare provider to point you in the right direction toward a therapist or psychiatrist who may be able to help you manage your symptoms more effectively. According to Harvard Medical School, the most common treatment for high-functioning depression is a combination of therapy and medications. 

Lifestyle change can also help you manage your energy more effectively. If you start to notice that you’re more sluggish or emotionally exhausted than usual, try turning towards self-care habits that help you fill your cup. Restorative yoga, journaling, or even short walks around your neighborhood may help you offset some of those sadder feelings. While lifestyle changes won’t erase your high-functioning depression, they can be habits to hold onto, especially on the harder days. 

While high-functioning depression is casually discussed, like a badge you should be proud to wear — it’s okay if you want to shed that narrative and replace it with something healthier for you.

Vivian Nunez is a writer. Her award-winning Instagram community has created pathways for speaking about mental health and grief. She hosts the podcast, Happy To Be Here, and has been featured by Spotify, Instagram, Netflix, CBS This Morning, Oprah! The Magazine, and more. You can find Vivian @vivnunez on Instagram/TikTok and her writing on vivnunez.substack.com.

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