Dear friends,

I am so incredibly excited to finally share that The Fertility Tribe is joining what was previously Best Shot to form a new company called Rescripted. Combining The Fertility Tribe’s vibrant community and trusted content with Best Shot’s tech-enabled fertility medication management and therapy platform, together we are bolstering our community with the modern, seamless tools you didn’t know you needed on your fertility journey. 

Everything you love most about The Fertility Tribe will carry on as we transition over to a new platform with even more tools and resources (coming soon!). At Rescripted, we remain wholly committed to empowering and educating the 1 in 8 with the vibrant community and trusted content that they expect from The Fertility Tribe. But now, we’re making our platform even more tech-enabled, providing medication management and fulfillment tools, small group therapy, and a product marketplace to help those navigating a journey through infertility or pregnancy loss.

As a Founder who started The Fertility Tribe with a notebook and a vision for what the future of fertility could look like, this is not a decision I came to lightly. But after an Instagram Live with Best Shot’s Founder & CEO, Abby Mercado, the two of us quickly became friends and realized that we actually had a lot in common. Since then, I have learned so much that I didn’t know from Abby about how much is lacking when it comes to treating the whole fertility patient.

Did you know that mistakes in medication preparation and administration can actually cost a fertility patient their IVF cycle? 22% of patients fail to comply with their medication protocols, and 5% of cycles that fail, fail based on medication errors. After suffering a devastating miscarriage due to an error with her own IVF protocol, Abby became passionate about making sure what happened to her never happens to anyone else. Best Shot’s direct-to-consumer app has been revolutionary in ensuring that a safer, healthier, better-educated relationship exists between fertility patients and the medications they must take to have babies.

The statistics when it comes to infertility and mental health are also staggering: 56% of infertility patients experience depression and 76% experience anxiety. When COVID-19 caused countless fertility patients to have their treatments canceled or postponed, Abby and the Best Shot team sprang into action, launching a small group therapy platform for those waiting to become parents. At Rescripted, we share the belief that infertility is not just a physical journey, but a mental and emotional one as well, which is why we will be launching mental health support later this year.

After connecting with Abby, I found myself instantly inspired by her drive, and, over time, I began to see how many parallels there were to our stories. Not only are we both moms to 2-year-old boy/girl twins who were conceived via IVF, but we have also similarly turned our pain into purpose by building successful companies around improving the fertility patient experience. We agreed that we both wanted to be doing more to help those facing an infertility diagnosis, so we thought, why not do it together?

1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy; but four years ago, when I was 28 years young, sitting in the waiting room of a fertility clinic, freshly diagnosed with PCOS, I felt more like 1 in 8 million. I started The Fertility Tribe as a personal blog to help inspire others and find the connection I myself so deeply craved. What I found was so much more than that. The Fertility Tribe has since blossomed into a stronger community than I ever could have imagined and has helped millions of people struggling with infertility or pregnancy loss feel seen, heard, and loved.

In the last three years, The Fertility Tribe has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, BBC News, Vogue, and more, bringing the topic of infertility to light in the media. We have an incredibly engaged community of nearly 90K on Instagram, tens of thousands of monthly readers, and millions of weekly impressions; but we couldn’t have gotten here alone.

To all those around the world who have helped us redefine fertility, thank you. You have made The Fertility Tribe into the difference-making brand and business it is today. From speaking up about fertility issues to sharing your own personal stories to supporting one another through it all, you have helped us make fertility something that is normal to talk about. We have accomplished so much together, and we are, truly, just getting started.

In speaking with countless community members over the years, so many of you have expressed to me how completely unprepared and disempowered you have felt on your fertility journeys. Some of you have felt unsupported by your medical providers. Others have lamented about how a lack of fertility coverage has caused you to spend your entire life’s savings on treatment. There is still so much work to be done when it comes to changing the conversation surrounding our reproductive health. Fertility clinics treat the diagnosis, but what about the whole patient?

When discussing our own personal fertility journeys, Abby and I came to the conclusion that community and content without the tools to help fertility patients manage the process they’re in, feels incomplete. Medication management tools and therapy resources without the community and content to help patients feel less alone feels incomplete. With Rescripted, we can do so much more together to educate and empower the 1 in 8 than each of us could do on our own. In merging The Fertility Tribe with Best Shot, we are creating a tech-enabled holistic care platform for those struggling on their paths to parenthood--one that treats the whole person.

I will admit that my biggest fear in all of this was that the integrity of The Fertility Tribe—a brand I built from my heart over 3+ years—would be compromised. But after getting to know Abby and the Best Shot team, it is clear to me that this union means an expansion of The Fertility Tribe—of our values, our community, and our offerings—and an opportunity to impact the lives of even more people dealing with fertility issues. I’m so excited for you to come along for the ride, as we prepare to launch this game-changing new platform in the coming weeks.

At Rescripted, we are taking back the narrative around all things fertility and burning the word “normal” when it comes to what a family is and how one comes to be. We’re rescripting fertility, together. So, who’s with us?

Click here to join us.

With gratitude, Kristyn