“Geriatric pregnancy.” “Advanced maternal age.” The terms may not be flattering, but women who have babies later in life hardly carry the stigma they did only a couple of decades ago. Generally speaking, “advanced maternal age” refers to anyone who becomes pregnant at the age of 35 or older. It’s also during this time that many women begin to experience symptoms of perimenopause, the transitional period leading up to menopause. Although perimenopause tends to start in a woman’s 40s, it can occur as early as their mid-30s. Unfortunately, perimenopause can be tricky to nail down, because...

Sarene Leeds • Jul 22, 2024

When it comes to pregnancy tests, timing is everything. Whether you're hoping for a positive result or anxiously awaiting confirmation that you're not pregnant, the reliability of the test is crucial. But what happens when you find an old test tucked away in your bathroom cabinet? Can you trust an expired pregnancy test? Let's dive into this topic and uncover the truth about using outdated pregnancy tests. The science behind pregnancy tests Before we delve into the reliability of expired tests, it's essential to understand how pregnancy tests work. Pregnancy tests are designed to detect the...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Jul 21, 2024

When the time rolls around to start trying to have a baby, you want to do everything in your power to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant. Regardless of whether you have a baby “naturally” or by way of IVF, there are two things that must be present in order to have a baby: sperm and egg.  Let’s flip the script here for a minute and talk about men’s health. Yes, here at Rescripted, we might be focused primarily on women, but we can’t leave men out of the equation when talking about reproduction.  A study...

Casey Clark • Jul 15, 2024

When you are TTC, you are most likely paying attention to every little change or hint of change in your body. That two-ish week period of waiting and hoping and anticipating can feel like an eternity, and you might be searching for early hints of pregnancy before you take a test. As with many aspects of the conception and pregnancy journeys, so much of it is individualized. No two women will have the same experience, and it makes for a beautiful, yet slightly confusing personal journey toward motherhood.  We talked with Dr. Jessica Ryniec, a double...

Brighid Flynn • Jul 9, 2024

Ah, your 30s. A wondrous time to, as Carrie Bradshaw once put it, “learn the lessons.”  There sure are a lot of those life lessons to learn – and they’re not just for millennials anymore. Believe it or not, Gen Zers are fast approaching their 30s. Whether you’re closing in on this auspicious age milestone or already a card-carrying member of the 30-something club, getting pregnant may be something on your mind right now.  And if that’s the case, you probably need to start thinking about your fertility too.  No, it’s not because you’ve suddenly gotten...

Sarene Leeds • Jun 26, 2024

When Dr. Jennifer Hintzsche, Ph.D, was trying to conceive, she came upon a barrier that many women and couples face — 6 months into trying she knew something wasn’t right, but she also assumed that she had to wait 12 months before being able to see a fertility specialist. In the aftermath of her own experience, she created PherDal, the only FDA-cleared sterile at-home fertility treatment. The treatment is available through Wisp, PherDal’s exclusive telehealth provider.  “PherDal was born from this necessity to have a safe and affordable alternative option for getting sperm closer to the...

The Rescripted Team • Jun 18, 2024

Welcome to 2024, when it’s (sarcasm incoming) apparently still considered acceptable, at least by some people, to speculate about whether someone is pregnant. Except, as we know, this is *never* actually acceptable — regardless of the year, the time, the place…and yes, even if the person you’re speculating about happens to be an A-list celebrity. Recently, both Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift have been victims of pregnancy speculation. As we all know, speculating about whether someone is pregnant isn’t just about a single comment; it’s so much deeper than that. It’s an issue that’s often linked...

Zara Hanawalt • Jun 7, 2024

  In the past few months, a few social media users have taken to social media to share some unexpected news: That they got pregnant while taking a GLP-1 agonist. Which, for the record, refers to drugs like Ozempic, which control blood sugar in patients with conditions like diabetes, but have become synonymous with the phrase “weight loss solution”).  For example: One TikTok user shared that she got pregnant while on Ozempic — and several commenters weighed in to say that they too became pregnant unexpectedly while on Ozempic or another drug in this class (such...

Zara Hanawalt • Apr 28, 2024

When an athlete returns after a serious injury, sports broadcasters share emotional stories about their resilience and determination. Fans celebrate the return of an athlete who represents the deeply human experience of overcoming adversity.  Sure, an athletic comeback story is something to be celebrated, but you know who deserves even more recognition? Women who embark on the journey to conceive again after experiencing pregnancy loss.  It takes tremendous courage to try again after a loss — and “getting back in the game” isn’t always as simple as it sounds. In this guide, we help you...

Alexa Davidson, RN • Apr 25, 2024

It’s crazy to think that ten years ago, infertility and pregnancy loss were rarely discussed. Today, social media and IRL conversations about these topics feel fairly mainstream. I’d argue that many people (at least people who are in the age group where their friends are beginning to think about growing their own families) have at least some awareness of the many hurdles families face in this regard. People are finally grasping the reality that fertility issues and pregnancy loss are common…and with that awareness comes greater sensitivity. Today, we’re finally seeing some of that sensitivity...

Zara Hanawalt • Apr 25, 2024