What’s your women’s health ‘thing?’


How has your women’s health ‘thing’ affected you throughout your life?

Infertility has been a defining part of my life, influencing both my personal and professional experiences profoundly. As a fertility and IVF nurse, I have witnessed the emotional and physical challenges of infertility firsthand, both in my patients and in my personal journey. This dual perspective has taught me resilience and empathy, shaping my approach to women's health and advocacy. The struggles and triumphs of infertility have fueled my passion to support others navigating this journey, ensuring they have the resources and support they need.

What advice would you give to someone dealing with your same women’s health ‘thing?’

My advice to someone dealing with infertility would be to: Feel Your Feelings: It's crucial to allow yourself to experience the full range of emotions that come with infertility. It's okay to grieve, feel frustrated, and have moments of hopelessness. Advocate for Yourself: Be your own advocate. Ensure you're informed about your options and don't hesitate to seek second opinions if necessary. Find Your Support System: Surround yourself with a strong support system, whether it's family, friends, or support groups. Connecting with others who understand your experience can be incredibly comforting. Self-Care is Key: Prioritize self-care. Infertility can be all-consuming, but it's important to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health throughout the journey. Tell us how your women's health 'thing' shaped your business, the business you've helped start, or your career trajectory.

Tell us how your women’s health ‘thing’ shaped your business, the business you’ve helped start, or your career trajectory.

Infertility has profoundly shaped my career trajectory and was a significant factor in founding Binto. As a fertility and IVF nurse, I saw firsthand the gaps in support and resources available to women dealing with infertility. My personal experiences with infertility inspired me to create Binto, a company dedicated to providing personalized healthcare solutions for women. Understanding the challenges and emotional toll of infertility firsthand, I've been able to empathize deeply with our target audience and advocate for comprehensive, personalized healthcare solutions. This has driven me to ensure that our marketing strategies at Binto are not only informative but also compassionate and supportive, addressing the real needs of women facing similar challenges.

How has your women’s health ‘thing’ shaped your life?

Infertility has shaped my life in numerous ways. It has made me more resilient and empathetic, driving me to advocate for women's health and support those on similar journeys. Personally, it has deepened my appreciation for the support systems in my life and underscored the importance of self-care. Professionally, it has fueled my passion for creating educational and supportive resources for women facing fertility challenges. Overall, infertility has taught me the importance of perseverance, empathy, and the power of community in overcoming life's obstacles. It was this journey that inspired the founding of Binto, where I strive every day to make a positive impact on women's health.